The Greensboro Four, were four young black students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, who set out to practice non-violent protests in Greensboro, NC, with the goal of ending racial segregation. These protests, known as the Greensboro Sit-ins, were a series of nonviolent protests in 1960, which led to a popular department store, F.W. Woolworth Company to remove its policy of racial segregation. The Greensboro Sit-ins were an instrumental action and the best know sit-ins of the civil rights movement. They are considered a catalyst to the subsequent sit-in movement, in which 70,000 people participated.
Mark Dean is an American inventor and computer scientist who was a big part of IBM’s success. Mark developed the ISA bus, a hardware add-on which allowed peripheral accessories like printers, disk drives, and keyboards to be plugged directly into the computer. He holds three of IBM’s original nine PC patents.
His work also led to the creation of the color PC monitor and the first gigahertz chip, which allows a machine to compute a billion calculations per second.
In 1995, Dean was named the first ever African-American IBM Fellow, which is the highest level of technical excellence at the company.
Black History Month is also officially celebrated in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany. The United States and Canada both celebrate BHM in February. However, the UK, Holland, and Ireland have chosen October as their Black History Month.
Conversations in Color is a nonprofit created to build spaces for uplifting and therapeutic dialogue for the black community. Since 2020, they have created projects like The Male Perspective, a digital platform for black men to share their personal experiences and highlight the diversity and depth of the black male experience. Or Sisters Rebuilding Sisterhood, where they host events for black women to gather in nonjudgmental environments, share their experiences and build as a community of sisters. Conversations in Color's work fosters unity in black communities and builds bridges across other communities through education and understanding.
Here are some of the best Black History Podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web, which are ranked by traffic and social media followers.
New Books in African American Studies featurs author-interview podcasts with Scholars in the field of African American studies. Black History Year connects you to the history, thinkers, and activists that are left out of the mainstream conversations. GirlTrek's Black History Bootcamp Podcast is a 21-day walking meditation series to remember where we came from and to gather strength for the road ahead. The Stoop is a podcast about blackness, race, and identity in America. The Pan-African Alliance is an all-Black organization with members from across the African continent and diaspora.